Today’s 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds

( If you’re looking to add a furry, four-legged friend to your family, perhaps your first (and most important) consideration will be choosing a breed. It’s paramount to seek a dog breed with attributes that best fit your home, lifestyle, activity levels and more before choosing or adopting a pup.

Snow Much Fun

( The cold chill of winter may be dreaded by some, but it’s also a perfect opportunity for outdoor fun with friends and family.

5 Tips to Stick to New Year's Resolutions

( Most people start the new year with the best of intentions, focused on making a positive change – such as exercising more, eating less fast food, cutting a bad habit, reading more or getting organized, among other goals – but it can be easy to slip up or let resolutions fall by the wayside throughout the year.

5 Benefits of CBD for Pets

Cannabis products for pets are growing in popularity across the country. It’s no surprise since most owners will do just about anything for their furry friends. From helping cope with anxiety to reducing seizures, there are many ways CBD can promote happier, healthier lives for pets. 

5 Pet Safety Tips for Winter Weather

Winter is here. With low temperatures, snow and everything else the weather might throw your way, it’s important to be prepared and take precautions with your pets to keep them safe!

5 Tips for Healthy Winter Skin

As colder weather approaches, now is a great time to prepare your skin care routine for the transition. From preventing dehydration to keeping a healthy glow, here are a few tips from Roberta Chavez Esthetics to keep your skin healthy as you step into winter: